楼主: gartour

[显卡] madVR hdr Measure 205

发表于 2023-8-28 01:21 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
hsmms 发表于 2023-8-28 01:16
不同映射算法带来的区别你看不出来?这玩意的差距不是已经够明显了吗? ...

发表于 2023-8-28 01:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 hsmms 于 2023-8-28 01:40 编辑
小心夹脚 发表于 2023-8-28 01:14


至于8bit支持的补充,8bit 可以支持HDR但会很容易出现色带问题,所以HDR10最低标准是10bit pq,因为这正好是人眼看不到色带的极限,不过并不完美这也是为什么杜比直接使用12bit的版本的原因,具体看如下图。

发表于 2023-8-28 01:42 | 显示全部楼层
redom 发表于 2023-8-28 01:21
还还是那句话,我们的讨论已经歪了,我拒绝讨论画质这种主观,从一开始我只说madVR能还是不能正确处理杜 ...

发表于 2023-8-28 01:53 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 redom 于 2023-8-28 02:00 编辑
hsmms 发表于 2023-8-28 01:42
纠正一个观点,画质的好坏不是主观的,它是存在一套客观的标准来进行判断好坏的。 ...

发表于 2023-10-7 11:18 | 显示全部楼层
new build 177 released 新版本 177 发布



    "out of gamut handling" now has a "darken" feature which can darken out of gamut colors
    "out of gamut handling" now has an improved "map" option
    map option now allows strength with 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
    地图选项现在允许强度为 25%、50%、75% 和 100%

Please note that the darkening can introduce luminance errors, so the "luma repair" feature is essential to make it feasible. The purpose of darkening is to give highlights more 3D depth, plus to reduce the strength of the needed desaturation.
请注意,变暗可能会引入亮度误差,因此“亮度修复”功能对于使其可行至关重要。变暗的目的是为高光提供更多 3D 深度,并降低所需去饱和度的强度。

That said, in case you guys like the darkening feature, maybe we should limit it to pixels which have a specific minimum brightness. Otherwise there's a (small) risk that we might hurt shadow detail, if it happens to be out of gamut.
 楼主| 发表于 2023-10-7 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
hsmms 发表于 2023-10-7 11:18
new build 177 released 新版本 177 发布


发表于 2023-10-8 00:18 | 显示全部楼层
gartour 发表于 2023-10-7 21:58

论坛里正在测试out of gamut handling功能
发表于 2023-10-8 00:36 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2023-10-8 01:00 | 显示全部楼层
redom 发表于 2023-8-28 01:53
标准和个人喜好要分清,就像上面你的截图我就是喜欢自己调亮即便是错的有问题吗,所以画质即便有标准,从 ...


发表于 2023-10-8 01:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-10-8 07:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-10-8 15:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sun1a2b3c4d 于 2023-10-8 15:42 编辑
hsmms 发表于 2023-8-28 01:35
杜比公司一开始推崇的是基于ICtCp空间的版本而不是基于yuv空间的杜比版本,也就是说目前流媒体推行的杜 ...

发表于 2023-10-8 19:09 | 显示全部楼层
sun1a2b3c4d 发表于 2023-10-8 15:38
请问原生10bit面板都可以抖12bit吗?还是说得另外支持?我的N卡控制面板有12bit选项,但我不确定是不是能 ...

发表于 2023-10-8 20:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-10-8 21:13 | 显示全部楼层
shrine 发表于 2023-10-8 20:12



发表于 2023-10-8 23:16 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
gartour 发表于 2023-7-20 11:32
167 已更新


发表于 2023-10-8 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
gou123 发表于 2023-10-8 23:16

发表于 2023-10-9 12:57 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
hsmms 发表于 2023-10-8 23:25

发表于 2023-10-9 13:01 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
gou123 发表于 2023-10-9 12:57

发表于 2023-10-9 13:02 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-10-9 15:00 | 显示全部楼层
Phil_Libra 发表于 2023-10-9 13:02
之前版本好像有自动变成错误hdr的情况(sdr视频),更新最新的试试看有没有修复。 ...

发表于 2023-10-9 15:06 | 显示全部楼层
hsmms 发表于 2023-10-9 15:00

发表于 2023-10-10 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 redom 于 2023-10-10 21:15 编辑
gartour 发表于 2023-10-8 01:00

个体是通过感官感知世界的,而感官 ...

发表于 2023-10-22 13:41 | 显示全部楼层
test build 180 released


1) "map" is now available in 10% steps, to give you more control.
2) The ACES "repair hue & lum" options were removed (always on now).
3) Added ACES "split" option to give you more control over the compression curve.
4) Modified the ACES compression formulas to give us more control.
5) Added ACES "process in BT.2020" option, to allow you to apply ACES compression in BT.2020 instead of the output gamut.

The default option for the "split" parameter is 0.2, which should be roughly similar to how the original ACES compression parameters worked. The "split" parameter defines how much of a curve we have. The bigger this value is, the less clipping we have, and more of a curve. The "split" parameter is important if we increase the "threshold" parameter, because in the previous builds, when using a threshold near to 1.0, the "split" internally went down to near zero (it was calculated like "1.0 - threshold"), which basically turned the ACES "curve" into a clipping graph. Now if you keep "split" set to 0.2, you can increase the threshold up to 1.0, or even beyond 1.0, and there will still be a compression curve applied. The compression does start at the threshold, and it will then compress above that. A split value of around 0.2 look fine to me, but you can experiment with different values, if you like.

In order to find good threshold + limit + split values, I'd recommend to use the same values for Red, Green and Blue as a starting point. Once you're happy, you can still tune the values some more, by maybe trying different values for Red, Green and Blue. In theory, I could also allow the "split" value to be set differently per RGB channel. But I wonder if all of this is even needed. Using the same threshold, split and limit for all 3 channels might be fully sufficient?

I don't recommend using the "process in BT.2020" checkbox. However, if you like it, we can discuss it. It should do roughly what build 178 did - if you set all the other ACES parameters to their default and "split" to around 0.2.
发表于 2023-10-22 21:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-11-5 15:11 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-23 23:29 | 显示全部楼层
new build 189 released
发表于 2023-11-25 00:37 | 显示全部楼层
new build 190 released 新版本190发布


Changes:  变化:
1) Removed a whole bunch number of lum method related options.
1) 删除了大量与 lum 方法相关的选项。
2) Simplified the code to only support the final Custom Sep and Stim options.
2) 简化了代码,仅支持最终的 Custom Sep 和 Stim 选项。
3) Changed the ACES math to properly support "infinite" Power, which actives for any Power values bigger than 50.
3) 更改了 ACES 数学以正确支持“无限”功率,该功率对于任何大于 50 的功率值都有效。

Using a very high (or infinite) Power basically simply clips saturation to the gamut boundary. So it's no longer a roll-off in that case, but a simple straight clip. But it still looks good to me, to be honest.

New area of focus: 新的重点领域:

Two things:  两件事情:
a) Does "clip to 4000 nits" ever harm? If I don't get any complaints, I'll remove this option in the next build and always force it on.
a) “剪辑至 4000 尼特”有危害吗?如果我没有收到任何投诉,我将在下一个版本中删除此选项并始终强制启用它。
b) Please help dial in ACES compression now. I think if we dial it in carefully, not going overboard, this option should not collide with any of the other options. So we should be able to dial it in properly all by itself.
b) 请立即帮助启用 ACES 压缩。我认为,如果我们仔细地调整它,不要太过分,这个选项不应该与任何其他选项发生冲突。所以我们应该能够自己正确地拨入它。

FWIW, in my ACES tests, I've found that the middle threshold (magenta) seems to be the most important one, it affects e.g. Atomic Blonde and the Mad Max Color Cloud frames. The other 2 thresholds show a difference in the Bobof color bar test pattern, but I'm struggling to see an effect in real world images. So I'm actually wondering if ACES 1.0, 0.8, 1.0 with 0.2 splits and 100 (= infinite) power is a valid option? I'm not sure.
FWIW,在我的 ACES 测试中,我发现中间阈值(洋红色)似乎是最重要的阈值,它会影响例如《原子金发》和《疯狂麦克斯》彩色云框架。其他 2 个阈值显示了 Bobof 颜色条测试图案的差异,但我很难在现实世界图像中看到效果。所以我实际上想知道带有 0.2 个分割和 100(= 无限)功率的 ACES 1.0、0.8、1.0 是否是一个有效的选项?我不知道。

Furthermore, I've so far only tested BT.709. We need DCI-P3 users to experiment with ACES thresholds for DCI-P3, please!
此外,到目前为止我只测试了 BT.709。我们需要 DCI-P3 用户尝试 DCI-P3 的 ACES 阈值!

Thanks, guys!!  多谢你们!!
发表于 2023-11-30 00:35 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2023-11-30 05:05 | 显示全部楼层
new build 197 released


1) Fixed some banding problems with the new "fix oversaturated luminance" option, when using gamut roll-off.
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